The overall objective of the longer term program (NATP in three phases over 15 years) is to support GOB’s strategy to improve national agricultural productivity, market linkage and farm income, with a particular focus on small, marginal and female farmers. The Project Development Objective (PDO) of NATP: Phase-I was to improve effectiveness of the national agricultural technology system in Bangladesh. And, the Project Development Objective (PDO) of National Agricultural Technology Program: Phase-II Project (NATP-2) is to increase agricultural productivity of smallholder farms and improve smallholder farmers’ access to markets in selected districts.
The development objective of the project is to increase agricultural productivity of small holder farms and improve small farmer holder’s access to markets in selected districts and Project Development Objective (PDO) would be achieved through:
a) strengthening the capacity of research, extension services and farmers to generate, adopt and diffuse agricultural technologies aimed at increasing farm productivity and reducing post-harvest losses; and
b) promoting the sustainability of existing and newly created farmer groups and producer organization by facilitating their stronger participation in commodity value chain, market-linkages, and improving their knowledge and skill base.
During the NATP: Phase-1 most of the targets were achieved for which the team members of NATP-2 could be able to have a good experiential foundation to drive its efforts and endeavors in order to achieve the targets of NATP-2 by next five years. NATP: Phase-1 covered 120 upzillas and NATP-2 would cover 270 Upazillas with taking 107 from NATP-1 and newly added 163 upzillas under 57 districts of Bangladesh during the whole project period.
The Specific objectives of the project are:
ii) Extension, Supply Chain and Human Resource Development (HRD):
NATP-2 will promote an integrated approach to leverage ICT to ensure linkages between the various components and stakeholders. ICT within the project will be harmonized to align with ongoing national ICT initiatives under Digital Bangladesh. This entails that the project will utilize common standards, delivery platforms, connectivity, Data Center facilities, and use of the GOB cloud - to leverage synergies and reduce duplication. The building of an Agriculture Knowledge Repository (AKR) and a Knowledge Platform to disseminate this knowledge will be important ICT initiatives under the NATP-2 project.
NATP-2 will support holistic approach to revitalizing the country’s agricultural technology system that supports decentralized, demand-driven research and extension services; and promotes market-oriented diversified smallholder production. NATP-2 will contribute directly to the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MOFL) priority of increasing farm yields and diversifying agricultural (crops, fisheries and livestock) production by improving agricultural research, extension, supply chains and market-linkages. Given the sector’s high vulnerability to climate change and the diversity of agro-climatic zones, improving the agricultural technology system of Bangladesh will need to: a) be embedded in the country’s adaptation to climate change agenda with a focus on generating and diffusing climate-smart agricultural technologies and good agricultural practices adapted to the different agro ecological systems across the country, and b) take into account the social fabric and gender dimension in rural areas.